
About Us



In the modern age of digital commerce, one would assume that acquiring the perfect pair of shoes at an optimum price would be a breeze. But, as many of us have experienced, the reality is far from ideal. The seemingly endless digital marketplace, although vast, often leave consumers fatigued and overwhelmed.

Why Kasutkicks Was Born

We started Kasutkicks with a simple yet profound desire: to streamline the shoe-buying experience. The inspiration came from our own frustrations. Each time we sought to purchase shoes, we found ourselves juggling between multiple applications, websites, and platforms, painstakingly comparing prices, and frequently grappling with hidden costs like import taxes and shipping fees. Making local purchases often alleviate these concerns. Not only do they boost local economies and reduce environmental footprints, but they also often prove more economical, devoid of additional international charges. Yet, how often do we truly know if we're getting the best bang for our buck?

Bridging the Local Market Gap

We envisioned a platform that would be the bridge between local shoe aficionados and the global market. Why should anyone be left wondering if they could have gotten a better deal elsewhere? With Kasutkicks, users can compare prices from both local and international sellers, ensuring they're always receiving the most value for their money. Our platform isn't about promoting consumerism. Rather, it's about informed choices, transparency, and ensuring that when you decide to treat yourself or a loved one to a new pair of shoes, you do so with the confidence that you're making a smart decision.

A Legacy in the Making

Since our establishment in 2017, we've been on a mission to simplify the search. But it's not just about providing a service. It's about challenging the status quo. When we realized that the shoe market had a gap that no one was addressing, we decided to take matters into our own hands with unyielding passion and commitment to crafting solutions.

Join Our Journey

Kasutkicks is more than a brand; it's a community. Kasutkicks represents a movement towards conscious consumerism, informed choices, and supporting local businesses while staying globally aware. We invite you to be a part of this journey, to experience the difference, and to simplify your search with us.